Cal Command In Linux with example | linuxteach

What is Cal Command ?
cal command stands for calendar, which is used to display the calendar information such as month or whole year.


syntax: cal [option] [[day][month][year]]


-l:- display the single month
3:- display the three month (previous,present,next)
s:- display the calendar using sunday as the first day of the week
-m:- display the monday as the first day of the week
-j:- display the julian calendar
y:- display the calendar for the year current year


d=date b=month y=year D=date B=month Y=year


Example of cal command  in linux
1)Display date in this format 26 january 2019
 Syntax: date +\”%d %B %Y\”

Capital letter indicates full name of month or year

2)Display calendar of 2018 with march month
Syntax: cal 3 2018

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